Sunday, 25 January 2009
Valentine's Day..Ape relevannya?
14th Feb..Setiap bulan, pasti semua ternanti2 untuk menyambut hari yang dikaitkan dengan cinta.I just dont get it.Why should we follow others?If Omputih nak celebrate, let them be.
For me, i will only follow what they do if it's significance enuff for me to do it.If i'm in a relationship now pon, i wont bother to celebrate it. Coz i will express my love to people whom i care EVERYDAY and not only on the 14th.
Mmg golongan yg sambut ini akan berkata, alah,bukannye kite org buat apa2 pon.
Setakat bagi bunga, chocolate jer.Tak buat apa2 yg salah.Tapi kenapa nak ikut apa Omputih buat?Kenapa bende2 lain seperti yg digalakkan dlm Islam, kita tak buat?Ei, berarak sambil berselawat pada Hari Maulidur Rasul ke?Puasa 6 ke?Jarang kan kite buat...
Tapi, kite kna fikir, apa maksud Valentine's Day itu?Apa asal usulnya?
After i've done some research,Berikut adalah sedikit sebanyak latar belakang hari kekasih
Mengikut sejarah mitos, sambutan berkenaan diasaskan oleh masyarakat Rom yang beragama Kristian sebagai memperingati peristiwa seorang paderi yang dihukum bunuh oleh pemerintah Rom, Claudius II.Saint Valentine dihukum bunuh kerana mengahwinkan salah seorang askar secara rahsia sedangkan undang-undang Rom ketika itu menghalang golongan muda berkahwin atau berkeluarga sebaliknya dikerah untuk menjadi tentera.Hari ini budaya Valentine menganjurkan orang ramai menghantar kad ucapan Valentine kepada buah hati mereka, teman karib dan orang-orang yang mereka sayangi sebagai simbolik dalam menyatakan cinta terhadap mereka.
Ada juga mitos menyebut, kad Hari Valentine dijadikan amalan memperingati peristiwa seorang paderi yang dipenjarakan dan sering menghantar kad bertulis From Your Valentine kepada kekasihnya, seorang gadis iaitu anak seorang pengawal penjara.
Namun, persoalannya..
Apakah hukum menyambut Hari Valentine pada 14 Februari dan bagaimana hendak menyedarkan golongan tersebut agar menghentikan perbuatan itu yang menjadi amalan kebanyakan remaja yang bercinta?
Menyambut Valentine Day (Hari Kekasih) hukumnya haram. Allah s.w.t. berfirman yang bermaksud, “Dan janganlah kamu menghampiri zina sesungguhnya zina itu adalah satu perbuatan keji dan satu jalan yang jahat.’’ (al-Isra: 32) Mafhumnya, Allah s.w.t. tidak mengharamkan zina semata-mata malahan apa-apa yang boleh membawa kepada zina juga hukumnya haram.
Apa yang jelas dalam sambutan Valentine Day ialah pergaulan bebas di antara lelaki dan perempuan. Justeru, bagi menzahirkan rasa cinta, pelbagai aktiviti dilakukan yang jelas haram dan bertentangan dengan Islam. Apa yang pasti ialah pasangan kekasih akan mengadakan pertemuan demi melahirkan perasaan cinta. Pada waktu itu yang ketiga ialah syaitan yang menghasut mereka supaya melakukan perkara-perkara terkutuk.
Nabi telah menegah kita daripada meniru budaya Yahudi dan Nasrani dengan sabdanya yang bermaksud, “Nescaya kamu akan turut jejak langkah mereka (Yahudi dan Nasrani ) sejengkal demi sejengkal, sehasta demi sehasta sehingga kamu akan turuti mereka walaupun mereka masuk ke dalam lubang biawak. Lantaran sahabat bertanya: Adakah mereka itu Yahudi dan Nasrani? Baginda menjawab: Siapa lagi kalau bukan mereka.’’
Kesimpulannya, jangan la kita meniru sesuatu itu Membuta-tuli dan tidak tahu akan asal usulnya. Kerana bagi saya, semua tindakan yg kita lakukan haruslah berasaskan kepada sesuatu yg akan membimbing kita ke arah kebaikan.
Saturday, 17 January 2009
In Love again?Argh Wat should I dO...
30 i guess?hehehe
Well, while reading Steph 3rd book, there's something on my mind that makes me wanna write here.
There is someone i knew recently and maybe it's just my adrenal hormones. I'm starting to enjoy every moments i have with him.
However, it's impossible to be in a relationship with him. Things are complicated and the best solution for this is for us to remain as good buddies. I dont want to get hurt again..Sometimes, i feel mad and dont want to think about the feelings i've have towards him. But the more i look into his deep eyes, the faster my heart beat goes.
And the adrenal hormones flush into my blood and makes my heart want him so badly.Maybe i was confused..I bet he doesnt have lil thing on me.
Here are some of my thoughts..
- We learn about men, love and relationships the hard way. I've walk down the highly traveled, worn out path of emotional scars, broken hearts, abuse, confusion, anger and sleepless nights.
- After i've gone through all the tough, heart broken phase,i thought that i'll get to know a great deal about men, love and relationships, but i was wrong. Or Maybe guys are so unpredictable and complicated to understand.
Being late 20's and getting closer to the age of 30, below are the few things that i'll need to know about this species:
- There are two types of males: Dishonorable males and honorable men. Don’t date or marry until you know how to tell the difference between the two!
- Honorable men are protectors. They will guard your heart, protect your emotions, defend your honor and stand as champions for your spiritual, mental and physical well-being; choose an honorable man and choose life!Yes, just like Edward Cullen. :P
- You are not a car; if you meet a man who wants to test drive your physical body, emotions and feelings, point him to a car dealership, bid him adieu and don’t look back! This refers to the guys who doesnt want to commit in a relationship with u.Screw him!
- This is a true saying: “The soul of a woman is fragile.” Please note: dishonorable males refuse to respect this crucial truth. They will toy with a woman’s emotions without any semblance of concern or compassion. Therefore YOU must guard your heart from these cold-hearted males with all diligence. Yes, i'll definitely guarantee that!!
- OK ladies; you’ve met this great guy, but he’s got a child or children for which he does not take care of, provide for or see to. Follow these instructions to the letter: urgently send him back to the mother of his children and don’t look back. Don’t make the same mistake the mother of his children did! I will choose the second statement which i wont make the same mistake like the mother of his children did.
- Women who hold grudges, seek vengeance, cling to bitterness and are unwilling to forgive, unwittingly break their own hearts! I was once at this stage, my best solution is to forgive and forget!Ignore him completely after that.
- Heed the sage advice of some caring brothers and honorable men. If he doesn’t fit - don’t force him, just relax and let him go. Destiny is on your side…Yes, i've done that.I have let him go for good.
- Self-love: if you don’t have it, pull yourself off the market. Make no mistake about it, if you don’t love yourself, NO MAN can ever love you… no matter how great a man he is. Yes, i'm so in love with myself now. I would never let myself gets hurt again.
- Don’t judge ALL men by one man’s actions; unless you want ALL men to judge you based on the acts of amoral women.Erm, this one is tough though..guys need to say it out and loud what's inside their mind. Dont expect woman understands everything.
- Don’t ever dilute yourself! Your beauty, fine body, sexual prowess, cooking skills, femininity and vibrant personality will never be enough to change a man, NEVER! Yes, beauty lies on the eyes of beholder.
- If your potential mate does such things as: promises to call you but doesn’t, makes dates and breaks them, shows up late or plays games with your emotions; take notes ladies... those are clear cut warning signs that he DOES NOT value you, he DOES NOT love you and he DOES NOT care about you! Yes Yes..I'm absolutely agree with this one.
- When a man is trying to find himself, kindly bid him adieu… PERMANENTLY! He can find you, but can’t find himself? He shouldn’t be looking for love… he should be searching for the map to Mastering Manhood! This one definitely refer to my old friend, dont know what he's looking for and cant made up his mind on something.Solution: Erase him from your life!
- Nothing is more beautiful, captivating, attractive and sensual than a woman with a gentle and peaceable spirit!
Hope it helps me in finding the way to the world that i've never been..
Signing..A girl who is Hopeless in Love..
Tuesday, 13 January 2009
Barry (the ACCA course leader) who is teaching me Business Analysis told us that 2009 will be the worst year for the past 20 years as the job competitions will be very competitive due to the several collapse of major companies in UK and also credit crunch.
The most frightened statement he made was Big 4 (being PwC, EY, Deloitte and KPMG) have closed their 2009 recruitment intake.It means that it's impossible for me to get a job with Big 4..and i need to go back to M'sia in once my student visa ends.
Takpela..what i need to do now is to concentrate for my exams and pass with flying colors.Bak kate orang, rezeki berada di mana-mana.And if tuhan bagi rezeki for me to work here, alhamdlh.
If not, balik la Malaysia. U cant get everything in this world jugak kan..
Thursday, 8 January 2009
Girls who watched Twilight will have the same feeling as i do....Actually, i'm the type of girl who loves reading horror and thriller storybooks..That is the reason I'm so into Twilight..Anythingthat goes with Vampires, Hitch Hike Killers, Evil Spirits..i will totally fond with it..
Omg..i'm totally obsessed with Edward Cullen. It's NOT actually how he looks that makes me want him so badly, it's his character..being so protective, supportive,loving even though at first, die mcm jual mahal sket.hehe I like that kind of!hahaha
I even bought those 4 books because i wanted more..twilight movie doesn't satisfied me..
After i came back from my Paris trip, there you go....I have 4 books to read.
I have finished reading Twilight and New Moon in 3 days time.Fast huh..Actually, it only took me a day to finish Twilight. The reason it took me more on New Moon because the story between Edward and Bella are lesser there..more on Jacob Black.
But towards the end of the story..Edward appear again!Yeay..that gives me motivation to continue reading it until the end.heheheh
I've also watch HP and goblet of fire to see how rob pattison looks like when he was young..uhhhuuhh so JAMBU.But i like his looks in Twilight.. Deep eyes, dark eyebrow and
not to forget those sexy lips.erm Yummy. are the summary of the novels..Check out the summary for the first sentence (which i underline it)..haha Gatal gile!!ahahahahha
In Twilight, Edward meets Bella Swan, a human girl whose thoughts he is unable to read, and whose blood smells overwhelmingly sweet to him.[2] He fights a growing attraction to her, but after saving her life on several occasions, succumbs and eventually falls in love with her. Edward admits to Bella that he is a vampire, and that although he retains the physical body of a seventeen-year-old, he was actually born on June 20, 1901. His adoptive father, Carlisle Cullen, transformed him into a vampire in 1918 to prevent him from dying in the Spanish influenza epidemic in Chicago, Illinois. Carlisle instilled in him a sense of morality uncommon in most vampires, and central to his way of life is the refusal to consider humans as food.
However, Edward constantly warns Bella against being with him, perceiving her life to be at risk if she continues to associate with him. Bella's love and confidence in Edward's restraint cause her to ignore his warnings, even after she becomes the target of another vampire, James. Unlike the Cullen family, who are "vegetarian" vampires (committed to only feeding on animals), James regularly feeds on humans and will not stop until he drinks Bella's blood. With his family's help, Edward is able to save Bella from James' predations, but the question of how to assure Bella's continued safety remains an open one.
New Moon
In New Moon, Edward’s fears for Bella’s safety intensify when she cuts her finger and is almost attacked by his brother Jasper. In an attempt to protect her, he convinces her that he no longer loves her, and moves away with his family, leaving Bella heartbroken. Edward finds it difficult to live without Bella, and becomes severely depressed at the prospect of an infinitely long and meaningless life. After he mistakenly learns from his sister Rosalie that Bella has committed suicide, Edward attempts to convince a group of Italian vampires, the Volturi, to kill him. Together with his sister Alice, Bella rushes to Italy and stops Edward before the Volturi can destroy him.
Edward explains why he left, and apologizes to Bella. She eventually forgives him entirely, and they continue with their relationship as though Edward had never left, with the exception that Bella has ties that cannot be broken with a werewolf named Jacob Black. Bella successfully seeks his family’s support on turning her into a vampire. While Edward is furious at the prospect, he later agrees to change her himself if she agrees to marry him first.
In Eclipse, Bella agrees to marry Edward on the condition he will make love to her while she is still human. Edward eventually relents and agrees, on the stipulation it will only occur after they are married. The plot is driven by the machinations of the vampire Victoria, who, seeking revenge for the death of her mate James, is hunting Bella and creating new vampires to build an army. A grudging truce is made between the Cullens and the Native-American werewolf pack led by Sam Uley and Jacob Black, a friend of Bella's who was there for her when Edward broke her heart. However, the truce is endangered when Bella realizes Jacob means more to her than she thought. Ultimately, Edward accepts that Bella cares for Jacob and successfully destroys Victoria, and Bella acknowledges that Edward is the most important person in her life. Edward tells Bella that they may attempt making love before they get married, as he realizes that she spends too much of her life trying to please other people. However, she refuses his offer and says that she will do everything the right way: marriage, making love, and then becoming a vampire.
Breaking Dawn
Breaking Dawn sees Edward and Bella marry. Bella becomes pregnant on their honeymoon, and the rapid growth of the half-human, half-vampire fetus swiftly impacts on Bella’s health. Edward tries to coerce her into having an abortion in order to save her own life. However, Bella feels a bond with her unborn child and insists on giving birth. Edward comes to feel love for the baby as well, after he hears its thoughts and learns that the baby loves Bella in return. Bella nearly dies giving birth in an emergency c-section, but Edward successfully delivers his daughter and then injects Bella's heart with his venom, healing her wounds by turning her into an immortal vampire. During Bella's painful transformation, Jacob imprints on their baby daughter, Renesmee.
After a vampire named Irina mistakes Renesmee for an immortal vampire child—a creation forbidden in the vampire world—the Volturi arrive to destroy the Cullens. Edward stands with Bella and their allies to convince the Volturi that Renesmee is not an immortal child and poses no threat to their existence. Once the Volturi leave, Edward and Bella feel free to live their lives in peace with their daughter.
Okay..gotta continue reading Eclipse now..wuhooo
Tuesday, 6 January 2009
Things that i would never forget in my life..






I was so overwhelmed and nearly cried..I wasnt expected that coming from them.Our bond gets closer each second...
Another part which i really feel touched was the home made cake. Nawal 1st attempt has turned to be BRILLIANT!!!

in Manchester now..

1. Pass my ACCA with flying colors (insyallah).
2. Find a job (with FAT salary) here coz i really love to be here in's already like my second home! After 4 months i'm here, i never been happy as this in My life.
3. Do all the craziest and wild things..kekekeke..Will list it down in my other post.hehe.Things that i wanna do before i turn 30!
4. Obviously want to meet THE ONE..ehhehe.
5. Stronger the bond with my beloved sisters and brothers
in Manch.
6. Forgive and forget the people who has made me cried for
7. Oh i nearly forget this one though..hehe try to lose some
weight this year.
Hope it ain't too much to ask right! :)

After jay opened his, it's my time to read my card and present. I wasnt smiling to the camera..i was actually smiling at the poem Ummi wrote.It was so cute.hehehe. Thanks Peeps..
And today..i woke up with a body shop paper bag in front of my bedroom door.Thanks Ayu!!!
I loveee the present so much..
Monday, 5 January 2009
Things happened in Jan 2009
But definitely it's not working for me...i've dropped my phone in the water on New Yr's eve and the best part was, i tripped and fell down at my fren's hse in Paddington on the next day.
Pathetatic huh..I cant barely walk for 2 days!It really hurts..especially the area near my ankle.My sis has asked me to go for x ray..yeah, will do it today.Otherwise, she will non stop nagging.
I've reached Manchester on Saturday eve and guess what, i've got chilled and cold at nite.The next morning i woke up, i've got flu.Damn it..Why every things which i hate happened at the beginning of 2009.
Hope that these were the only BAD THINGS happened in my life..I wish not to have anymore in the future.
Saturday, 3 January 2009
Contemplating..and still havent reach the end for it.
How many times i have tried to dispose it away..but i still couldnt let it be away from my side.
Pitty huh. I don't know why it's so hard for me to close the last chapter of the book and start writing in a new one.
Everytime when i want to write in my new and colourful book, i have this feeling to flip tru the pages of my old book and starts to read it again and again. I also read this old book EVERYtime before i go to bed.
The new book which i've bought 2 days ago, make me realize that, hey i should forget about that old and stupid book.But, as deep as i want to end the last chapter for the old book, i'm starting to contemplating.Some parts of my cerebrum told me that, maybe i just need to give the book sometime and just keep it close to my heart before i can find a new book which may bring sparks and refreshment to me.
Everytime when i start reading every page from the old book, my heart beats faster..Does it because i already fall in love with this old book?Or Maybe this book has been part of my life for a very long time and that is the reason why it is so hard for me to end its very last chapter.
Nway, this new book is actually the beginning of my next chapter in my life. I'm not sure whether is this the right book that i'm supposed to write's some sort of like a rebound for me.
Yeah, i know.I shouldn't think too much of it. But sometimes i hear lil voice in my mind or heart perhaps, saying that..'HEY,u shldnt end the last chapter of ur old book..Maybe that's the ONE that u've been waiting for ur life.Well, people make mistakes..I think you should give the old book sometime.Maybe it has it own reason for doing that to you. And the harder you want to dispose it, the more u think about it..doesnt that gives an indication that u are meant to be with the old book?Dont cha get it?What u need is to buy few new pages and slot it in.U dont need a new book which would be a complete stranger to u'.
As time is the 3rd day of Jan and even though one of my new yr's resolution is to dispose the old book once and for all...i still couldnt do it.Still contemplating and may God lead me the way.
alive - j lo
Soul Therapy..
Time goes slowly
now in my life
Fear no more of what I'm not sure
Searching for your soul
The strength to stand alone
the power of not knowing and letting go
I guess I've found my way it's simple when its right
Feeling lucky just to be here tonight
And happy just be me and be alive.
Love, in and out, of my heart,
And though life can be strange I can't be afraid
Searching for your soul, the strength to stand alone,
The power of not knowing and letting go
I guess I've found my way it's simple when it's right
Feeling lucky just to be here tonight
And happy just to be me and be alive
I guess I've found my way it's simple when its right
Feeling lucky just to be here tonight and
Happy just to be me and to be alive.